Setting up a Service Account without a CRM Licence

In Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online you can set up to 5 Service Accounts without needing to buy additional Licence, as long as these Service Accounts are Non Interactive, meaning they are not used to access the CRM interface to perform actions, and just used to perform web service CRUD operations.

1)     In the Office 365 Admin Portal Create the Service Account as Normal and Assign a Licence Temporarily to the Account


2)      Now Navigate to the CRM Organisation Settings > Security > Users > and Open the User Record for the Newly Created Service Account


3)     Assign the relevant Business Units and Security Privileges on the CRM Organisations that are required to be access by the Service accounts


4)     Navigate Down to the Administration Tab on the User Record, and Change the Access Mode from ‘Read-Write’ to ‘Non-Interactive’


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5)     Save And Close the User Record in CRM and Navigate back to the


6)     Back in In the Office 365 Admin Portal, Edit the User Record, By Turning Off the Licence Associated to the Account


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The Service Account can now be used in your Web Service integrations, but you will not be able to directly login to the CRM Web Client with this account, only Office 365.

Author: Raz Dynamics
Razwan is a Microsoft MVP and Dynamics 365 Community Moderator responsible for developing Microsoft Dynamics 365 and CRM integrated solutions for over a decade. Razwan is responsible for delivering Dynamics 365 User Groups & CRM Saturday Conferences. Raz has developed many free community utilities for Dynamics 365 and CRM which you can download from this blog.