Integrate CRM into your call centre environment with CTI
Computer Telephony Integration or CTI is the merger of software technology and telephone accessories accept and answer calls, route these to specific agents and provide data. The CRM Call Center allows uninterrupted integration of telephone devices to computer systems, proving to be a customizable call-control tool. Our CRM and CTI collaboration integrates telephone and computer, effectively providing users with real time vital information on individual customers. The CRM Call Center/CTI service offers the following solutions:
- Prompt reminders on pending calls
- Caller recognition
- Fast, effective, personalized responses
- Intelligent call transfer (CTI system transfers complex inquiries to the appropriate agent)
- Sync between telephone conversation and data transfer
- Reduce Data Duplication
- Reduce Data Entry / Searching
- Improve Streamline / Call Handling
- Improve Customer Experience
A study conducted by AT&T has revealed that a third of customers who face difficulties navigating automated phone calls skip the transaction entirely. With CRM Call Center/CTI service, call center agents are able to receive contextual, insightful details on their customers, hence being able to provide value-added, satisfactory customer services that will potentially differentiate them from their competition.